Here's a stunning UFO filmed on tape in the southern part of France over the city of Marseille by the way, the French have an extensive resume on "UFO sightings in France" See here for this list and this one will surely be added to that list.
It was published anonymously as far as we can tell, and the information is very limited, so all that we have to go from is the video itself, which is convincing.
OK, that's not enough to give us a definitive answer but it's the absolute bulk of being able to determine one and make a decision at least and, from what I'm seeing this looks good.

There will be people out there with the same evidence as us, but who will try to convince you that this is fake or that this is real, but still the information is all the same. It could be real, or it could be fake, and therefore, it's a 50/50 chance and nothing more.
Check out my YouTube channel.
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Go with your gut feelings, and if you're convinced, then that's all well and good, but don't add anything that isn't there. If it's fake, then it will come out that it's fake. If you feel it's fake, then that's all well and good. You can't convince people it's fake on a feeling alone as I've seen people trying to do that. Also, on the same note, I don't try to convince people if a sighting is real as I ask people to go with their instincts and feelings only.
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Here's an image from the video that I snipped and have zoomed in to the UFO to get a closer look at it, that's why it's blurry in this image as I wanted to get a closer look at the UFO but the pixels degrade the more I zoomed in to the UFO from just an image.

Based on the information right now that we have about this I'm going to say that this is looking pretty good as far as a "genuine UFO sighting was happening" and that the shaky video is because when zoomed in full, the slightest movement will always produce a shaky video.
Try it yourself, zoom on to something full, and you'll see that when a slight hand movement happens, the video is all over the place.
It, therefore, looks right to me. It's flying very slowly and almost hovering - not floating (very different things), and overall, it has a good feel to it, as of today, this really could be the real deal. Check back here for updates and I'll keep you posted on any developments as or if they happen.

France has been the subject to many UFO sightings recently like this Boomerang UFO and then there's this online post from Reuters which explained that the French Space Agency was going to publish its UFO archive online (back in 2007) but we found this as well Wikipedia and this also as it's the official French UFO archive Geipan.
Geipan is the UFO investigation department of the French Space Agency and has released more than 100,000 pages and photos and videos! This UFO video will no doubt be added to that ever-growing list of Unmanned Aerial Phenomenon or UAPs.
Jacques Arnould, an official at the National Space Studies Centre (CNES), said the French database of around 1,600 incidents would go live in late January or mid-February (2007). Sure enough, it did. Links are below.
He said the CNES had been collecting statements and documents for almost 30 years to archive and study them (mind-blowing).
Often, they are made to the Gendarmerie, which provides an official witness statement, and some come from airline pilots, he said by telephone.
Given the success of films about visitations from outer space like E.T. Close Encounters of The Third Kind and Independence Day, the CNES archive is likely to prove a hit. It consists of around 6,000 reports, many relating to the same incident, filed by the public and airline professionals.
Their names would not be published to protect their privacy, Anould said. Advances in technology over the past three decades had prompted the decision to put the archive online, he said, adding it would likely be available via the CNES website.
Video of Jaw-dropping UFO over Marseille in France:
So publishing UFO videos anonymously by eyewitnesses is something which even the French Space Agency thinks is the right thing to do. They know the reasons why people anonymously publish the footage because of unwanted attention and ridicule. Career chances are squashed, and some have even been sacked. Also, some people have disappeared, and that's the scary part for some eyewitnesses and whistleblowers who have to weigh up the theatrics and make a decision.
If you've got any thoughts on this post please share it with us in the comments below and please don't forget to share this post thanks.{alertInfo}
Source Ufoi73 Instagram.
Source Paris (Reuters).
Source CNES Geipan UFO Files.
Source Disclosure Project (Old Website).
Source Sirius Disclosure (New website).
Source Reference National Space Studies Centre (CNES).
Source Reference Boomerang UFO (USF).
Source Reference UFO Sightings In France Wikipedia.
This UFO over Southern France looks different and as far as UFOs go this has got two colors which are black and silver. It's flying very slowly almost as if it's hovering but it's not. The cameraman is zoomed in fully so the slightest hand movement will make it look shaky although besides that this really could be a genuine UFO incident? We show you them point a few things out and you make the decision and always go with your gut feelings which is what we do. It helps to have opinions as someone might point something out that even we missed. 👽🛸🎞👍🕵️♂️🌄🛰🛸👽