Showing posts from 2024

3 UFO Videos That Defies Science

Buckle up, guy's! Seriously we're diving into the mind-bending world of unimaginable UFO sightings, and let me tell you, i…

Green Laser Beam Fired From Clouds Turkey

Turkey had a fantastic laser display that was truly out of this world but what was it and why did this happen. A green laser beam …

Alien Craft Flies Through Clouds To Earth

This video shows a dark black UFO flying out of the clouds caught on a webcam. I've just got the full details from the owner. …

Metallic UFO - UAP Orb On Skin Walker Ranch

An unimaginable speeding reflective and metallic craft was filmed while the production team was filming for the popular TV show Sk…

White Orb UFO Flying Past Baltimore Bridge

A Korean news channel captured a mysterious UFO on film during the unfortunate Baltimore Bridge disaster. The cargo vessel, which …

Disk Rotating Over Brazil Apartments

Amazing video of a disk UFO was filmed over Sao Paulo Brazil apartments at night time showing the incredible unknown origin craft …

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