Our history is wrong. We've been taught a lie. What was said to of happened never did. Mankind is hiding a great secret that it can't keep much longer. History is made up. Who made it up and why?
2.8 Billion years old!
Klerksdorp Spheres have been popping up in South Africa but guess where they've been popping up in South Africa? They've only been digging up perfectly balanced metal spheres in Ottosdal, Western Transvaal which is in South Africa. Why so fantastic of a find? Because they're 2.8 Billion Years old! They are intelligently made and one type (because there are two types of these metallic spheres) has a white substance inside. The other is solid metal (metal production let alone humans wasn't even around then) and is blueish with white flecks on it.
These metal spheres have 3 grooves running parallel to each other around the equator of the metal spheres. These are amazing in themselves but the thing that separates these as different in every respect to anything that's ever thrown a spotlight on mankind's timeline is that these metallic spheres throw into doubt Earth's timeline as well and not just humans' lineage. According to scientists, the only process in which these could have been made is that they had to of been made in zero gravity because of the perfectness of the the characteristics!
The stone was not made over time.
I just looked up the word concrete and this is what it says:
Concerned with realities!
How funny is that?
Here's a quote from the website we have sourced our information from:
"These spheres are reportedly so delicately balanced that even with modern technology, they would need to be made in a zero gravity environment to attain these characteristics"
These objects have become known as the Klerksdorp spheres. It's fascinating to know that the Earth is still able to throw everything we know after 2.8 Billion years ago. That's the most time anything intelligently made has ever been found. If there was an ancient civilization of people or a species on Earth back then and they were capable of making, smelting and creating a metallic object with such perfect symmetry and balance then the technology they must have used has to be of such an advanced standard that modern day technology fails in comparison!
Even with today's technology as good or as great as we think it is, we couldn't come close to the perfect achievements they were capable of achieving. Our symbol of greatness has to be the Moon landing. With that one step onto the Moon, we instantly went from a space-fearing species to becoming an interplanetary species!
But yet it still fails in comparison to these metal spheres being built in zero gravity, by the way, they've found hundreds of them. Why do I say that it fails in comparison? Because even with today's most sophisticated technology we still couldn't achieve the perfectness of these sphere's that the advanced ancient people of 2.8 Billion years ago could command!

The second best is "last" whichever way you look at it. 2.8 Billion years old is ancient by any standards. That means that these are the oldest intelligently made pieces of metal discovered.