NASA Has Created Real Alien DNA

So, surfing the web looking for Aliens I stumbled upon something that at first glance, I couldn't quite get my head around what had been said, surely this should be on every news outlet from here to Jupiter right?

NASA has created Alien life? Well, if that's not newsworthy "grab you by the lapels" and spin you around headlines then nothing is...

Am I reading this right or should I take out my eyes, like in a cartoon and wash them in my mouth?


NASA's only gone and created a strand of Alien DNA- (Deoxyribonucleic acid) don't try to pronounce it as your tongue will fall out.

Mine did.

DNA contains everything your body needs to be, well - you!

Without it you'd be water, all squishy and a puddle on the floor - you get the picture!

DNA is the sacred building block for life and its planning, management, knowledge, instructions, and repairs- everything about "structure" planned and arranged to make you, is written in coded DNA sequences.

Also where it is and what it does is all written in your DNA and what goes into a well-oiled "finished article i.e. you" (so-to-speak) is inside your DNA.

They've gone and played God by artificially recreating a fully sequenced Alien strand, please read on.

They've created a strand of information with God knows what instructions, manipulation and directives loaded into or onto these DNA strands.

Are we looking at the ultimate MK Ultra program?


Who's going to be the lucky recipient of that abomination, I wonder?

The person or "thing" that receives that, is a ticking time bomb. There's no getting around this because scientists are a bloody inquisitive lot and they can't help themselves. You could say the very people that are supposedly there to help mankind are mankind's "downfall"?

These are the Monsanto's of the human variety. They will implant this strand in a volunteer and then come along and demand it back.

It's private property.

It's an experiment, not yours. You incubated their experiment here's a restraining order you're not allowed to go near it.

That's what happened to that poor farmer who was saddled with Monsanto's abomination on his land.

It will not end well. You already know that it deteriorates after working for a while. That's innate within us all to know that.

It will not be right ethically, morally and certainly from a standpoint of who gets to decide its outcome i.e. life, is not up to us.

It's not up to mankind to choose anything in this realm. It's Gods or natures whichever you believe dictates life beyond reality, and it's theirs alone.

Anyway, here's the story. I think you need to read this guys whether or not you agree with this is neither here nor there.

The Express:
NASA has synthesised an “alien” form of DNA, revolutionising our understanding of what extraterrestrial life may resemble and where it exists.


Deoxyribonucleic acid (means DNA) contains the genetic instructions for all known living things.

  • And scientists at US space agency NASA have created an “alien” form of DNA.
  • This DNA could lead to breakthroughs in understanding what alien life could resemble.
  • The NASA discovery suggests there might be unimaginable forms of DNA-based life, as we know it on Earth.
  • Life is capable of spreading anywhere as this would suggest.
This work will help us to develop effective instruments and experiments to expand the scope of what we look for.
NASA's Lori Glaze.
And alien life on other worlds might be built using different molecular systems of the kind the NASA scientists have synthesised, they have suggested.

The new molecular system will allow scientists searching for alien life to re-calibrate what exactly they are looking for and where it could exist.

DNA is a complex double helix-shaped molecule that stores and then transmits the genetic information that makes us who we are.

This data is passed from generation to generation in every living thing on Earth, allowing life to continue.

DNA is constructed of four different ingredients, known as nucleotides and are common across all life on our planet.

But DNA could likely vary significantly elsewhere in the universe, the NASA study has shown.

Here's a quick video showing the actual gene sequence they created:

Video source Millie Georgiadis/IU School Of Medicine/NASA/Independent

Imagining forms of life that might use different structures – and developing ways of detecting them – is a central part of NASA’s work.

And this week’s announcement is a huge breakthrough, as the study has created such a molecule.

Lori Glaze, acting director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division said:
Life detection is an increasingly important goal of NASA’s planetary science missions, and this new work will help us to develop effective instruments and experiments that will expand the scope of what we look for.

The new research saw scientists create a new kind of molecule system that functions like DNA but has an important difference.

Instead of DNA’s usual four ingredients, the NASA scientists have created one containing eight.

But why is my question, specifically 8?

It has all of the four that are found in life on Earth: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.

NASA scientists have added an extra four synthetic ones, capable of mimicking the structures of the ingredients found in regular DNA.

Capable of mimicking other ingredients, that means it's an intelligent synthetic ingredient! Just what the hell have NASA created here guys?

The NASA researchers call the new creation "hachimoji” DNA – hachi is Japanese for eight, while moji means letter.

Hhachimoji DNA functions the same as our DNA, meeting the same requirements that allow it to store and transmit information.

That has meant that the kinds of molecules that might be storing information in life on alien worlds could be similarly different.

You can read more on this amazing discovery, revelation, breakthrough - abomination or whatever you want to call it on the Express website (source below) which has some really interesting information on this type of crazy experimental behaviour from our so-called respected scientists working out of NASA.

Do you agree with this historic moment in time or do you think it's taken things just a wee bit too far?

I think it's irresponsible because of the applications and implications plus the trend this is going to set. It's one step closer to full-on cloning. It's one step closer to bending the ethical rules.

I see what these scientists are doing, they're skirting the laws by experimenting "just outside the law" experiments which have applications which in the wrong hands could be terrible for many people.

The results from this could impact the natural order of things not just here on Earth - wherever life will be found.

Forever changing life in its natural state!

It's kind of like an anticipation kind of thing. Why else would these experiments even be happening?

Why are they pushing the boundaries, and envelope on the front lines of what is and isn't acceptable?


Image source Millie Georgiadis/IU School Of Medicine/NASA

Because they (the scientists) know what is coming probably and they want, no need ways to fundamentally control any Alien life if and when (if not already) Aliens present themselves!

And that's for real.

Why else would they be "artificially" experimenting with Alien DNA? How did they choose to call it Alien DNA? In contrast to what, our own?

It's so that they have avenues, choices and answers for when Aliens present themselves.

Is it to ultimately control them or is it to finally control us?

If not then how do these scientists even know that they've got Alien DNA? That's my finishing word on this post as I think it's screwed up big time, there's no going back if this get's into the genes of humans.

Source Express.
Source Independant.
Source NASA.

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