Professor Says UFO Is Part Of A Covert Fleet

Here we go, finally, something I can get my teeth into and figure out if the claims have been stated and claimed are real.


A professor claims to know for sure that this UFO sighting (below) is part of a "covert fleet of Space Crafts" and they're all part of The Space Force.

Created by the President of the United States Mr Donald Trump!


Lately, I've been feeling a bit disillusioned because of asking the same questions every day, day in and day out - 24/7 and reading it from everyone else and their aunts - in just about every UFO page and group on Facebook.

Related post:

That's not to mention Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter (where we have other channels) where it's the same questions like these:

  • The question is "Do aliens exist?"
  • The other one is "Are UFOs real?"

The answer is this whole article but yes they are real and they do exist but it was easy to lose sight of it.

The other questions I always see are:

  • Is NASA lying about Aliens?
  • Are there Aliens at Area 51?

The answer to that is yes.

Then there's the UFO/Alien statements I always see everywhere online (usually in the form of a meme) that "disclosure is coming".

OK, I've probably asked it myself - asking for disclosure or when is it going to happen? But I'm seeing it everywhere now.

It "was" getting to me but you guys immediately (and I mean immediately) within one minute of my post on Facebook about being disillusioned by it all - you replied saying no, don't give up!

Do not give up, keep plugging away at it.

These questions are valid you said and that they're important and we need to keep echoing it.

It's not a needless question as it's the source of our beliefs and our full-time hobby, it's the first question everyone asks when they look up at the stars so it is very important.

So for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Here we go:

A cigar-shaped UFO similar to numerous mysterious objects seen in the US in recent months has been spotted above Orlando, Florida - and a professor thinks he knows what it is.

The Daily Star had revealed several baffling clips of the UFOs - which have also been described as snake-like popping up in all parts of the country since June.


The first sighting was recorded over the Mojave Desert before similar objects were seen in Wyoming, New York and Washington. But now, an expert in the field has offered a new suggestion of what they could be after posting new footage of a sighting. The clip shows a glowing, elongated object slowly moving across the overcast sky in Orlando, Florida. After several moments it disappears behind the treeline.

Dr Michael Salla - who posted the clip to YouTube last month - says in the clip:

“It is very clearly a cigar-shaped craft. “There are no wings, no tails so it is a cigar-shaped craft, a UFO.”

He was sent the UFO footage by an unnamed source, who has been releasing UFO videos in the area since 2008.

Dr Salla - an Assistant Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Washington DC - told The Daily Star site that he believes the craft is linked to the military's Space Force.

“I believe it is a hybrid air, sea, space vehicle developed by a major US corporation for a USAF (United States Air Force) - run secret space program,”

he explained...

“There is a military connection since the photographer, JP, says he has been encouraged to take photos of other UFOs which are part of a USAF secret space program, some of which he has been aboard


“I believe the illuminated craft in the video is part of a covert fleet of electromagnetically propelled spacecraft that have been secretly developed by the USAF that will be unveiled as part of the soon-to-be-created US Space Force.”

There's always a new story on the horizon, there's always a new UFO event and new UFO news. We will all one day learn the truth and ask ourselves, are you prepared to know Aliens are 100% real?

Here's the video from Professor Dr Michael Salla's YouTube channel:

The 61-year-old - who also runs conspiracy website - went on to say the purpose of such craft was to both "establish a strategic military advantage over other nations" and "protect Earth from alien attacks".

"Elected Government representatives know very little about these secret space programs developed by their respective militaries and other major world powers,"

He continued...

"In the US only a few very senior members of Congress are briefed, and even the President is kept out of the loop of many of these programs."

Source The Daily Star.
Source Reference JP Articles Photos And Videos.
Source Reference

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