African UFO That Looks Real - But Is It Real

This looks real but I'll admit that I'm very sceptical about it but only because I'm not used to seeing anything remotely similar to this.

I've got one part of my mind saying that it's a fake, and my other half of me saying but hold on a minute, everything looks correct on this.

Unusual looking UFO craft over South Africa on 1st November 2022.

Unidentified Aerial Object or UAO was filmed over South Africa in November of 2022.

There's a description which came with the video I'll add it below. It's Sunday 11th February 2024 and I've managed to create a video clip and narrate it to give my perspective on why I'm not sure about the validity of this supposed advanced aerial technology (UFO) filmed over Africa.


Original post, what I wrote when I first brought you this Africa UFO video:

I'm talking about the shadowing, the reflections and the overall look of it is saying it's a truly unique "but real UFO" and so I'm going to put it out there to you guys and let's see what happens.

Video description:

South Africa, a Country in Africa. 01/11/2022

Now you will say that this is a Fake right?

Because the images are too clear, not blurry, the phone that did the filming is of the new generation (Iphone13).

It comes to say that it is a fake right? Yes, I thought so too. But let's think a bit, why couldn't it be a real video? - video description

In the video description, it states that "it's easy to say it's a fake" but what if this is an actual real, bonafide UFO sighting? Imagine if you will for a moment that it's real. That would be beyond anything we've ever seen to date.

{getCard} $type={post} $title={Webcam Footage Boston Harbor UFO Turned USO}

It's very easy to take a glance and put the obvious Western scepticism onto this and dismiss it. But I'm looking for a more serious explanation. One that makes sense of everything we're seeing, and hopefully one that is new, something that hasn't been thought of before if that's even possible?

I know for a fact that my readers (my loyal readers in the hundreds of thousands every month) I know that you will be dissecting this craft as soon as you see it!

Check out my YouTube channel.

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So, so far I've examined the photo and I took a screenshot from the screen and put it against everything else on the internet (literally through using Google Lens) and here are the strange results.

Cammo dudes, that was the very first result. Then a crashed UFO in Antarctica was guarded by Tanks. Seriously, that was the second result. Everything else was not even remotely close.

Here's the extraordinary and unique-looking video uploaded to Instagram by Ufoglobal_italia:

Sunday 11th February 2024:

I'm leaning towards this UFO filmed over Africa as being a hoax and my reason for that is because it's too good to be true. I've learnt that if it's too good to be true it nearly always is too good to be true. I'll add links to UAP disclosure statements and why the US Government has done a turnaround on UFO disclosure. All every UFO researcher has ever wanted was an acknowledgement from the US Government because now that we have opened up funding for official departments and agencies we can look into the unknown origin phenomena.

We have places like AARO dedicated to researching the UAPs flying in our atmosphere. The UFO Orbs caught on everyone's cameras and the bizarre phenomena that are new to science.

U.S. Department of Defense Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Analyzing UAP is a collaborative effort involving many departments and agencies, and the Department thanks the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for leading a collaborative effort to produce this assessment, as well as the other contributing departments and agencies.

DoD Unidentified Aerial Phenomena News

If you've got any thoughts on this post please share it with us in the comments section below, cheers. Also please share this post, thanks.{alertInfo}

Credit: Google Lens/ufoglobal_italia Instagram/UFO Sighting's Footage/UFO News/Ufosfootage/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. They forgot to activate their cloaking device.

  2. Is that a white light in the front or reflection of the sun.

  3. Cut rate sight seeing tour on earth.

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