The Black Knight Satellite And Tesla Alien Communication

This is probably the most famous or arguably the most controversial UFO that's ever been reported and filmed by NASA.

The theory of this large piece of space debris being an Extraterrestrial craft has been brought up before.

The photo here's the Blue Moon from 2015 and the Black Knight Satellite UFO is in the photo.

In 2015 a photo was taken of the Blue Moon which also seems to have captured the Black Knight Satellite UFO as well.


Here's the actual evidence from Tesla himself that he received a radio signal from Aliens or another world. These are his actual words:

To the American Red Cross, New York City.

The retrospect is glorious, the prospect is inspiring: Much might be said of both. But one idea dominates my mind. This — my best, my dearest — is for your noble cause.

I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge, that ere long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: "Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three…" Christmas 1900 Nikola Tesla.

Here's the extraordinary evidence of Extraterrestrial life as Nikola Tesla had intercepted a radio signal and it read one, two, three.

The above letter is the actual one sent to the Red Cross (Tesla's correspondence between people) which states he intercepted a signal which read "one, two, three."

In a 1910 letter to The New York Times, Tesla claimed the sounds came from Mars.

“Most certainly, some planets are not inhabited, but others are, and among these, there must exist life under all conditions and phases of development. I base my faith on the feeble planetary electrical disturbances which I discovered in the summer of 1899, and which, according to my investigations, could not have originated from the sun, the moon or Venus. Further study of science has satisfied me that they must have emanated from Mars. All doubt in this regard will soon be dispelled."

Here's the link to the New York Times post

If NASA says it's a thermal blanket where's the evidence that shows us this "significant piece of the puzzle" even though it's pretty easy to just write down on a log sheet "thermal blanket came loose so we left it." But they know that it could potentially hit another NASA capsule later on so they wouldn't leave it behind, would they?

Because that's what would happen if NASA knew it was a thermal blanket and they deliberately just left it in orbit around the Earth. They could have put it in the cargo bay or just knocked it into an orbit to burn up in Earth's atmosphere, right? There's so, so much wrong with everything we come across other than the original answer that this is a 13 thousand years old satellite.

The Black Knight Satellite UFO theory dates right back to the 1950s at the height of the Ufology phenomena. People were claiming that radio signals from the Black Knight Satellite UFO were being up during the experiments done by the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla.

Lee Lewis UFO Researcher  

It's been floated (excuse the pun) before that this "UFO is nothing more than a thermal blanket." To dismiss any doubts and rumours after all why doesn't NASA simply collect it and put the argument to rest? Is it because they can't? Every time they've tried to get near it, the 13 K-year-old satellite manoeuvres away and avoids being taken which suggests that there's a type of technology that NASA would love to own!

You'd think that this was already done before regardless of how much NASA dismisses it. They don't do anything at all suggested by the public because it's either their way or the highway. It's full to the brim with egotistical, and that typical engineer who won't entertain anything but their ideas.

That's what the evidence suggests anyway. But we all interpret things differently don't we?

I'm not a fan of NASA because they turn off the ISS live feed every time a UFO sighting occurs. Every single time without exception and there are hundreds of examples.

Lee Lewis UFO Researcher  

Yep, that's NASA alright. They don't entertain anything but science and dishonesty practices and unless it's passed for public release they will not release anything. Have you all seen the videos of things floating in space near the ISS or within view of the live feed cameras and NASA workers turning off the cameras? So we already know that there's an underhanded, devious and dishonest element working within NASA. Look, the hundreds of examples speak for themselves and that's the way it is.

If they were to zoom into these UFOs as opposed to just cutting the feed, perhaps people wouldn't start to think "Hmm that's strange." The examples are one after the other going back to the beginning of the International Space Station. It's quite sad because anyone familiar with the ISS knows that this is what NASA does. It's upsetting also because it brings into question what else has NASA covered up or tried to cover up should I write?

I wouldn't have let NASA anywhere near the UAP research or study groups because there's clear evidence that when a UFO comes into view NASA deliberately turns off the cameras! So I think they shouldn't have been picked. This is probably why the US Government sidetracked NASA when it came to announcing the UAP videos.

It was NASA’s job because it's potentially crafted not of the Earth. But it tells me that the US Government is aware of NASA covering up UFOs so it had no choice but to side-track them on this occasion. It's exactly what I would have done so well on the US Government for leaving them out of that historic moment in time.

Maybe it's because they can't do it as it's an identified Alien craft.

Here's a fantastic video showing Tesla's Interstellar communications above.

If you've got any thoughts on this post please share it with us in the comments section below, cheers. Please share this post, thanks.

Credit: History YouTube Channel/Upworthy/Daily Star/Express/Nikola Tesla/NASA/New York Times/UFO Sighting's Footage/UFO News/Ufosfootage/Canva.

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