Blue Sphere Follows Meteorite Over The Indian Ocean

An electric blue flashing UFO Orb inside a Meteorite skimming the Earth is a true strange UFO anomaly without any shadow of a doubt.

Sometimes, a meteorite shower is either orange, white glowing some form of a natural burning up in the Earth's atmosphere.

This is apparently a UFO sighting but it's supposed a Long March Chinese rocket not a UFO.

It's what I first thought about this. I'll be honest with you, I was so angry with myself for getting it so spectacularly wrong. I don't think it's been confirmed as what they're saying it is. But anyway, I've turned it into a positive learning curve for myself, and I want to share this whole experience with you.

Is this a UFO or a Chinese rocket?

This is a flashing blue light that's either on the UFO or it is "the UFO," but not everything is what it appears to be. This was my thinking as I was writing this post initially. I was a few days into researching this when I discovered a lot of new information on this supposed UFO sighting.

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Initially, I was writing all the following; In fact, look closely there are 2 of what look like flashing blue lights, there's the main one and another one just above it doing the same flashing. I continued writing...


The glowing blue (or flashing) UFO Orb looks like it's tried and succeeded in sneaking into Earth's atmosphere. It's just behind the main front end of the large white spherical meteorite. That's what I thought the white ball of light was. This blue UFO Orb, which is what I'm calling an Orb, is nestled right in between the main bulk of the mid-front section where the debris cluster is and the white debris is at the rear.

Check out my YouTube channel.

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It's nothing like anything else that I've ever seen before in my life this far! When it comes to a Meteorite shower or a single meteorite skimming through the Earth's atmosphere, it doesn't look like this blue light.

Flashing blue lights inside a meteorite shower or a Chinese rocket.

We see the "object" flashing blue Orb UFO, which is very unusual as part of the cluster. If it was burning up, wouldn't it be a one-time thing? I don't think it would heat up, cool down, and then heat up again in quick succession a fair few times as well, I might add. Because as far as I know guy it would need some sort of an artificial heat source to heat it up and down constantly! That's what I think it would take for an object to flash like this. The rapid heating and cooling down seem unnatural to me, but I could be wrong.

Is this even a UFO sighting or not?

Imagine if you will, if it was an electric cooking stove and you were turning the temperature knob up high and down low and the stove was heating up and cooling down, but rapidly. You'd maybe see a red hot and a darkened stove. My reason for saying this is because where's the energy coming from and then disappearing? The meteorite burns up and fizzles out once on entry. It doesn't rapidly heat up and then fizzles out over and over again, causing a blue light!

And I'm sure that a Meteorite just burns up in the atmosphere, I don't think a Meteorite heats and cools rapidly and shines brightly in a flashing mode. Lee Lewis UFO Researcher 

It looks intelligently controlled to me, which it turned out it was.

But, just because I've never seen anything like this one before, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's never happened before. It was luck or "happenstance," shall I say, which brought me to this one.

I was doing my early rounds of social media platforms checking out my favourite UFO sightings blogs and keywords, etc. Then I came across this video on Instagram, and I just thought "Wow" this is a different UFO. This is strange, and it looks like a unique UFO as well. My thinking then was that this is not naturally occurring on Earth, and if it's a meteorite, they do not flash blue! 

That was my initial thinking then.

This stands out like a sore thumb. So, based on that thinking, I thought to myself that there could have been other examples of a blue flashing light on a UFO or the actual UFO itself. "Is" the blue light?

But then I found the correct answer to the anomaly.

I've been looking it up, I searched for "blue flashing light UFO meteorite" and guys, there's a full search page on blue light UFOs one of which I've linked to here on the website The Star states that it's a Chinese Long March Rocket. I've quoted a segment of the post just below.

Before I knew this information, I was writing this:

I watched it, and I instantly thought it was an intelligently controlled craft coming into our planet sneaking into our planet, should I say, behind a Meteorite.

A huge piece of space junk – apparently from the Chinese Long March rocket has crashed down to Earth – with its fiery re-entry spotted by many over Sarawak skies. The 22.5-tonne core stage of the Long March 5B rocket re-entered Earth's atmosphere over the Indian Ocean at approximately 12.45 am on Sunday (July 31, 2022), according to US space agency NASA The Star 

I continued before knowing it was a supposed Chinese rocket, which caught a lot of other researchers as I'm finding out now. Some have had to change their Twitter posts and blog posts as well. So it's caught out so many other people...

It might be a good way for anything else that wants to come to Earth, to just sneak right behind a Meteorite, which would be a perfect gateway onto the planet Earth! We'd see it and just think, "Oh, that's a great meteorite, quick let's make a wish."

All the while, we're wishing on a UFO.

I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinions on this one guy. What do you think about the idea that UFOs could potentially be sneaking into Earth right behind a meteorite? I mean, it makes sense, and it's a plausible idea.

There are a lot of UFO sightings around the world, and some people look great. Some look profound, and then there are the ones that are different and bizarre because there are elements of intelligence behind the UFOs.

Here's the extraordinary video that was uploaded to YouTube by the UFO News channel it's been moved above, the top.

Then I found out all the many posts by people who claim that it's a Chinese Long March Rocket burning up in our atmosphere. I've posted this post to show people that even if I've written a full post about what I think is a good UFO or a potential real UFO, if I discover that it's something else more down to Earth, I'll admit that I was wrong and I'll correct the mistake. I can't get it right every time, and I fully embrace this idea.

Please share your thoughts and opinions on this post, and also, if you can share this, I'd appreciate it, thanks.{alertInfo}

Credit: Republic World/tvmisteriosmundo Instagram/UFO Sighting's Footage/UFO Sightings/Ufosfootage/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. I’ve never heard of a meteorite or Chinese flying device looking like that with

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