Video Of The Diamond Shape UFO Medellín Colombia

I'm so frustrated beyond words at the moment especially when I'm finding out that I've been sent videos from some of the most important UFO sightings to have happened but not got them.

When the January 25th of 2020 diamond shape UFO sighting occurred which is this UFO video below. But it's been filmed at other times as well. Either it's this same UFO but filmed elsewhere or there's more than one.

Medellín Colombia black diamond UFO 2020.

Exceptional diamond UFO shape hovering over Medellín Colombia 2020.

Words don't usually fail me as you probably already know but this Medellín Colombia diamond shape UFO was filmed by many people, it was even filmed from the airport window as the witness sent me that video just after it happened see the link's below, bottom.

Video 1

Witness statement:

25 de enero, 6 AM Medellín Colombia 2020. Translated it is 25th January 2020.

Sent a little after the first one, this UFO sighting is in Medellín Colombia also. I'll link you to this post of a black diamond shape UFO over Medellín Colombia as well on August 3rd 2022. A couple of years after this one so here's a timeline of events with this type of UFO in Colombia.
Check out this link as well it's also about the Medellín Colombia diamond shape UFO.

A diamond shape object has been filmed on a few occasions over Colombia and Mexico, it's confusing because it's multiple UFO sightings of possibly the same UFO from different angles as well. Very frustrating.

That's what it says in the message, nothing else that I was sent. Guy, I've been sent a few of these similar-looking UFO sightings. There are slight differences and other UFO researchers have been sent very similar-looking UFO sightings as well. There's got to be a few UFO events instead of just the one sighting over Medellín Colombia. People were sending me videos and I wasn't getting them. It happened on or around the same day I was being sent the videos?

Send me your UFO sightings

There are a lot of people who have sent me messages through Instagram direct messages but thousands of messages haven't been getting through to me. It's sorted now though.

Correction, they have been getting through but they've been put into a separate folder for potentially offensive words.

I've never had that particular setting turned on so I've not checked it as I've had no reason to check it. It's switched off all the times so I thought I was getting all the messages.

I've been going through the messages for 8 days now and I've still not gotten to the bottom of the list. There have been thousands sent to me over years and years.

Outline of the UFO sighting

In June 2020 a guy sent me this amazing UFO event video showing what can only be described as a diamond shape object from over Medellín, Colombia. I remember the incident well because it was all over the news. One of the sighting's was anyway. To think that a witness to this huge UFO sighting had sent me a unique UFO sighting from a different angle is frustrating, to say the least.


There's a good chance that it's a real UFO sighting that might be secret tech, it could be a hoax, a drone or Extraterrestrial in origin. I do know that it's been filmed a few times at different locations during different years. We might never know what it is but it's exciting to say the least.

If you've got any thoughts on this post please share them with us in the comments section below, cheers. And please don't forget to share this post, thanks.

Credit: UFO Sightings Footage/UFO Sightings/Ufosfootage/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. The first kind of looks like the back side of a jet flying away from the camera, which makes it look like its hovering in mid air... The 2nd is just a blodge... Who knows.

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