Ancient Baalbek Stone Still Baffles Scientist's Today

Yes, scientists and engineers alike are still scratching their collective heads, trying to find a reason for this ancient stone block.

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It's a gigantic behemoth, that should be beyond anything that human beings could do or could create at the time and there's just no way on this beautiful planet that we could move these stone blocks using primitive tools, primitive machinery or any apparatuses known to mankind at the time. It's just not possible if we take into account the machines available on the day, 2000 years ago, around 27 BC.

According to Ancient Inca Tours, the Baalbek stones stood there before the Romans got there and built the Temple to Jupiter.

Long before the Romans conquered the site and built their enormous temple of Jupiter, long even before the Phoenicians constructed a temple to the god Baal, there stood at Baalbek the largest stone block construction found in the entire world.

Hidden Inca Tours 

What was at the height of the types of sophisticated technology and machinery?

The blocks likely date back at least 2,000 years, to around 27 BC. At the time, Discovery writes, Baalbek was a premier outpost of the Roman empire and went by the name Heliopolis, "the city of the sun."

You wouldn't believe it if it wasn't written down in print, so here's Wikipedia's top science of the year around 500.

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I've looked up this period because the technology used between the years zero to 500 years AD tells us what might have been available for the creators at the Baalbek quarry.


The outline of it can be seen in these images and shows a kind of precision we find in ancient Peru and Egypt. The discovery of this new monolith, just adds another level of mystery to the situation, as it sits virtually ‘under’ the ‘The Stone of the Pregnant Woman’, and would have had to have been lifted out after this other 1000-ton block was moved.

Ancient Origins

There is a fantastic discovery happening around this time, according to Britannica, which says that the Romans were responsible for the widespread introduction of rotary motion. This was exemplified in the use of the treadmill for powering cranes and other heavy lifting operations. So there you go, there was a very efficient way of lifting things.


Baalbek Stones

The New Yorker

The Myth of the Megalith

It sounds practical, but that's looking at it through 2023. eye's and realistically speaking, it's probably a rope made from hair! The bolt's likely made from wood and a "non-volunteer" operating it. It's a piece of Roman machinery, but was it available, and more specifically, was it being used in Baalbek at the Baalbek quarry?

Baalbek Quarry Stone's Setting World Records is an unimaginable quarried stone.

The Stone of the South Ancient Baalbek Quarry Stone.

Baalbek was built by the Romans.

The site is built by Romans, such as aqueducts, walkways, and roads. 193 to 211 CE - the temple of Jupiter Baal is built at Baalbek. This is the largest known religious building in the Roman Empire.

The plot thickens and so it's feasible to say that the Baalbek quarry stone such as the stone of the pregnant woman and the stone of the south which was later discovered could have been lifted using a human-powered crane!

Here's the extraordinary quote; The Stone of the South’ at Baalbek, Lebanon, is the largest worked monolith on Earth, weighing in at a staggering 1242 tons It is even heavier than the ‘Stone of the Pregnant Woman’ which weighs an estimated 1000 tons that sits on the other side of the road in the quarry.

We are talking about a crane that lifts things, but these stones have been moved and put in a different place after it was worked into the monolith, which still breaks records. They couldn't even work iron properly. I urge you to read up on all the papers I've linked to, especially if you would like enough information on this to form an opinion. Don't forget that there are links from these papers and articles that are enlightening, too. Guy's at the end of the day. These behemoths should not be possible by any stretch of the imagination.

Yet there they are.

These stones have got a lot of people who thought that they knew everything still scratching their heads.

Original Stone Was Cut For Temple

The common acknowledgement is that the stone was cut for a nearby temple that was for the God Jupiter (as mentioned above). It's only an opinion because nothing exists that this is its intended purpose and because the stones are in the quarry and not at the Temple itself, though it makes sense there's nothing to say they're definitely for the temple. Because we don't know anything about this massive stone block naming them is what we've done later on. Yes, we can only rely on the best-educated guess, which takes into account all other local knowledge and experience.

The ancient world has many different examples of thing's that shouldn't exist like Baalbek stone.

The Stone Of The Pregnant Woman was quarried but too big to move.

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We don't even know how it was created and how long it took to create, let alone know for sure its intended purpose. There have been other examples of huge blocks found nearby, and these have all set world records when they were each discovered.


A team of German and Lebanese archaeologists just uncovered the largest manmade stone block ever discovered. The block, which was found in a limestone quarry in Baalbek, Lebanon, measures 64 feet by 19.6 feet by 18 feet, Gizmodo reports and weighs an estimated 1,650 tons.

These are some staggering numbers in terms of size. It's incredible to see, let alone think about how it was created and moved. Some of it is still covered in dirt, so its true size is as yet unknown. Read the post at the link, and you'll find out for yourself.

  • Who, if it was people moved it?
  • How many people are involved in bringing this stone block to life?
  • Was there any, if at all, technology involved in creating this?
  • Who dreamed up such an ambitious plan?
  • What was the stone's intended purpose?
  • Who gave the order, and what was it based on?

The Temple to the Gods is about 900 meters away, so I'll admit that this makes sense as its intended purpose. But how's it going to get there? There must have been something that existed at the time, which the creators knew would suffice in moving stone blocks as big as this, so what was it? We should question everything now if our ancestors had technology 1500 - 2000 years ago that we can't emulate now. It doesn't make sense no matter which way we look at this. And the age of the stones is only a best guess. They could be a lot older.

Smithsonian Article

Regarding the article on the Smithsonian Magazine website, Stephanie Ellison writes a comment about the article:

You are not an engineer in these matters. First of all, have you tried to cut a 2X4 with a hand saw when the board is sagging from the new gap left above the top edge of the saw and how it binds upon the saw blade? How did they cut the underside of a block that weighs 3.3mm pounds without the block bending down to bind upon the block in the last foot or two of the cut?

I thought this was such a good point to make about cutting a large stone block, so I had to feature it.

If you've got any thoughts or opinions on this post, please share them with us in the comments section below, cheers. And please, like I always ask, can you share this post? Thank you.{alertInfo}

Credit: Smithsonian Magazine/Britannica/Reddit/UFO Sighting's Footage/UFO Sightings/Ufosfootage/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
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  1. I find these articles interesting, but struggle with the grammar.

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