Here is an ancient cave painting or cave mural in India depicting what can only be described as a UFO. It looks like one. As soon as you see it, it's the first thing that comes to mind, and the crucial point to all of this is this:
It looks "like nothing from the ancient world." It couldn't be mistaken for anything else other than a UFO or Unidentified Flying Object, as this is what we would call a UFO today.
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The Spaceman of Chhattisgarh, India. Ancient humans depicting Aliens, what a load of rubbish - I hear you say? Well, for those ney sayers out there. This isn't a gallery. It's not a teen caveman tagging a fresh wall with a tin of spray paint.
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It's not a lesson in imagination and creativity. They used different colours of clay, possibly plants and even bugs, to get different colours. They depicted what they saw, and they painted it to their ability, probably after meeting with the Aliens.

If you saw something like this in the ancient world, you wouldn't call it an Alien or a UFO or an Alien craft because there weren't any words (or grunts, shunts or mutters) for a UFO - so you'd have to "literally" refer to it in a painting or a mural because that's just literal common sense.
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Did ancient people have literal common sense, though?

This alien is tall compared to the smaller being beside it.
Right way up? above.
The craft above has 3 (possibly 4) antennas.
The craft above has 3 antennas or tripods depending on which way you look at the image upside down it's tripods and the right way up is antennas. It has what looks like a "thing" or entity inside of the interstellar spaceship. There are two circular windows or portholes, and it also looks like a ramp coming down from the craft's main section.
It is a quick drawing (painting), or it looks like it's a quick impression of, as I said earlier, a UFO. If this was an Alien craft, then this is life-changing! I say life-changing because every single piece of history or what we know as history would have to be changed.
Degrees would change, timelines would change and of course, the "origins of mankind" would all have to be reevaluated and examined as a maybe and considered that we could have been influenced by this visitor but to what degree is unknown and speculation.
As long as we're speculating we could even ask if this was a documented encounter of Aliens with mankind because it was when mankind sent a human with the Aliens or did an Alien visitor come to stay with us?
There are a million and one answers to why this drawing or painting or mural (whatever you want to refer to it as) and only one answer is right. That is the only fact about this. That and the other fact that this exists.
This bizarre-looking painting found in a cave in India has baffled scientists for its supposed depiction of an alien UFO beaming in the sky.
The puzzling mural from Charama, Chhattisgarh, dates back some 10,000 years to a time before humans invited the wheel. Archaeologist JR Bhagat, who studied the cave paintings in 2014, argued they were concrete evidence. Aliens have walked among us in the past. He said: The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets, which still creates curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn't have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject. He added: The fan-like antenna and the three legs of the vehicle's stand clearly show a similarity to UFO-type craft.
The fan-like antenna and the three legs of the vehicle's stand clearly show a similarity to UFO-type craft JR Bhagat, Archaeologist
So there's a lot more to this story than meets the eye guys, it's loaded with intriguing and very, very mysterious cave paintings, stories or legends, myths and local knowledge that backs up the theory that "sky people" came down from space and took people away who was never seen ever again!
It's a basic modern story of an Alien abduction case, but seen as though there wasn't anyone to stop the Aliens, it continued.
The evidence is lots of cave paintings, which are equivalent to eyewitness testimony, and then we have the local knowledge passed down from generation to generation.
This is a primitive way of keeping records, which I'm inclined to believe as I don't doubt whole cultures or people's way of life, which dates back thousands of years.

Chhattisgarh State Department of Archaeology and Culture plans to seek help from ISRO for research on 10,000-year-old rock paintings depicting aliens and UFOs in the Charama region in the Kanker district in the tribal Bastar region of India. It is located about 130km from Raipur, and the caves come under villages Chandeli and Gotitola. In the local villages, few worship the paintings, while others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about "rohela people", who were said to land from the sky in a round-shaped flying object and take away people who never returned.

According to the Times of India, Dr JR Bhagat found remarkable similarities to recent UFO and Alien Sightings in 10000-year-old cave paintings. There was so much that he asked for research assistance from NASA and ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization). The paintings are located in caves near the town of Charama in Chhattisgarh, a state in central India. Most of the paintings are the usual drawings of humans, animals, and everyday life in 8,000 BCE. But it also stunned many because some depict kangaroos and giraffes (not native to India at all) and fish-like creatures. Now, an archaeologist recently found new paintings of even stranger beings.
The findings suggest that humans in prehistoric times may have seen or imagined beings from other planets, which still creates curiosity among people and researchers. Extensive research is needed for further findings. Chhattisgarh presently doesn't have any such expert who could give clarity on the subject, Bhagat told the Indian journal. The nose and mouth are missing. In a few pictures, they are even shown wearing space suits. We can’t refute the possibility of imagination by prehistoric men, but humans usually fancy such things, the archaeologist said.
There are several beliefs among locals in these villages. While few worship the paintings, others narrate stories they have heard from ancestors about “rohela people — the small sized ones — who used to land from sky in a round shaped flying object and take away one or two persons of village who never returned. It is not the first time we found cave paintings like this, but never until now with such detail. Flying Saucers, Equipment, Space Suits, and depictions of abduction are some of the images one can find in Charama.
Source The Times Of India.
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Source Fandom Cryptid.Wiki.
Source Express.
Source The Event Chronicle.
What can only be described as an Alien and a UFO was discovered in a cave drawing in India from ancient times. As soon as I saw this the first thing that comes to my mind was that's an Alien's head and a UFO! The red outline of what can really only be described as a UFO is there for all to see. It looks like nothing from the ancient world, right. They had no words for what they saw so they painted them in cave knowing the drawings would last in there out of the elements. That's my thoughts anyways. 👽🛸🗿🐫👨🚀🛸👽
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