Ancient Aliens Must Have Visited Earth

If you know my websites or even know of what I post about then you'll already know that I don't believe in coincidences, at all.

There's no such thing as a coincidence because as you'll probably already know, everything happens for a reason, right? So based on that, there can't be a coincidence or a coincidental occurrence.

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Let's just take a deep look into our timeline and condense that into a shortened version of what is no doubt a long story, lol - a kind of "warts and all" bullet point. I'm talking about the "hidden in plain sight knowledge" in say for instance:

  1. Ancient Egyptian tombs
  2. Found scrolls
  3. Religious texts including
  4. Carved reliefs in the public eye

They're there, in fact, if you Google it you'll find way more than I could ever write about (don't go anywhere there's more).

Just like the paintings with UFOs in them and as anyone might think after seeing just a fraction of it everything is all wrong including history that's been taught in schools! There are way too many examples for it to be wrong because we're talking about anomalies that span centuries and centuries.

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Mainstream archaeology discoveries are shown in only one light and guys we all know that if they can't answer something it's still not Extraterrestrials and a cover-up could either start or get buried in the history museums. There will be a press statement and we're told that we are all looking at it wrong! If it can't be explained it will usually get tucked away in whoever's country discovered these "anomalies" in their national antiquities museums never to see the light of day again. Let's take the UK for instance, The British Museum. Omg, there are over 2 million pieces of antiquities but only a single digits worth of antique or ancient historic pieces are on display at any one time. The length of time any one item stays on display means that it would take a very, very long time to show everything in one lifetime. It's the perfect place to hide an official object and that's where it falls through the cracks because it's set up to fail. Fail the people who deserve answers.

We're talking about 2 to 5 per cent of their stash and yes it can be referred to as such because many countries are claiming that items have been looted with many having been returned. Of these 2 million pieces what percentage of it all do you think cannot be explained or hasn't got a back story with it, or it shouldn't even exist because another accepted version of history contradicts its existence but yet there it is?

It's not as high as you might think but it's still a lot of pieces from unknown origins, ie it can't be explained or attributed to anyone or any particular peoples, places, or time in history. Yet someone else has already been credited after the fact.

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Well, for that answer we need to look up how many things are still in situ but shouldn't exist.

The hidden in plain sight anomalies.

Then we can at least say that if there's stuff still in place that shouldn't exist, it stand's to reason that some things have been recovered and stashed away, right? Or, they've been recovered and absolutely obliterated and possibly taken apart right back to their components and if you think that people didn't hide things in plain sight back in ancient times just think about the General E. Lee statue with the time capsule directly below it hidden in plain sight. So we know that the people who were in charge in the olden days of "long ago" really did hide who knows what in that particular time capsule. Sure there's an official statement, stating what they want us to know was inside the time capsule but they could say anything. Anyway, let's take a look at this unexplainable ancient Egyptian tomb carving of modern-day symbols which has been verified as being from King Seti I's reign.

{getCard} $type={post} $title={The Mysterious Flying Saucer: A Journey on Interstate 95}

Oh believe me this is 100 percent legitimate and real because archaeology experts have dated it and I suppose we should accept it, you know because it fits the narrative lol:

Helicopter hieroglyphs refer to an Egyptian hieroglyph carving from the Temple of Seti I at Abydos. The helicopter image is the result of carved stone being re-used over time. The initial carving was made during the reign of Seti I and translates to He who repulses the nine enemies of Egypt - Wikipedia
This is a fantastic and amazing real helicopter carving from King Seti's tomb in ancient Egypt.

Credit: Medium Alexander Rose/Unveiled YouTube Channel/Channel 5 YouTube Channel/World History/UFO Sighting's Footage/Ufosfootage/Canva.

I seriously could not believe it when the archaeological experts verified this ancient Egyptian historic carving after long investigations. But let's not forget about the UFO disclosure in 2017 or should I say UAPs because if we combine all the information of not just a helicopter but a submarine and a modern-day Tic Tac UFO, the airship in the carving, the tank, etc then I start to realize that there's a lot to this Earth that we humans are not understanding? There has to be because we're seeing in ancient times technology that hasn't been invented yet but will be. Then there's the US Government admitting to UFOs and supplying not one but three UFO videos. They call it Unidentified Aerial Phenomena but it's UFOs in all but name. All this reality has been done before and of that I'm convinced. How else do we describe a prophecy that has come true, it's a very hard subject to understand.

My thoughts and opinions.

Is our reality like a record on an endless loop like a heartbeat expanding and contracting or is this just one simulation of many endless best-outcome scenarios where absolutely everything is added artificially otherwise it's not a proper simulation, it's just part simulation. Are we all an experiment?

I ask this because it's exactly what is happening with Covid outcomes. Scientists are running simulations to get closer to 100 per cent vaccination protection and to do that they need AI which is so advanced it's indistinguishable from the real world, just ask Elon. Simulations are running and outcomes are being checked, onto the next one.

Is this life like that of a simulation, I suppose we should never know.

Here's a bit more information on the Helicopter carving:

As with all dates in Ancient Egypt, the actual dates of Seti's reign are unclear, and various historians propose different dates, with 1294 BC to 1279 BC and 1290 BC to 1279 BC being the most commonly used by scholars today. - Wikipedia

So, as with anything guys, please let yourself explore and research instead of being told something and believing it. I used to believe that it was a modern-day fake but as it turns out when I did my research it's a real carving from King Seti's reign. So it goes to show (for myself at least) that it does pay to do my research.

Hidden in Plain Sight Knowledge:

  • The 26,000-Year Astronomical Monument Hidden in Plain Sight
  • The star map of Safety Island has baffled visitors for decades.

I've just got started on hidden-in-plain-sight knowledge and ooparts. That stands for Out Of Place Artefacts. There's no limit to how many things are hidden in plain sight because we're still finding brand new but ancient buildings for instance in the Amazon, underground in Peru, tombs in Egypt, ancient tunnels in Scotland to Iran. There's out of place artefacts in Kuwait, Sumerians lived in modern-day Iraq then there are the ancient Mayans, and so on and so on.


The Sumerians gave the world its very first writing system that just came about "overnight" from nowhere! We're talking about a fully-fledged writing system with intricate words, phrases, and pretty much everything that a sophisticated writing system needs and it evolved just like a modern-day writing system. We're constantly adding to our English language. When the ancient cuneiform tablets of Mesopotamia were discovered and deciphered in the late 19th century CE, they would transform human understanding of history.

Before their discovery, the Bible was considered the oldest and most authoritative book in the world. That shows us just how important it is in the timeline of humanity. But yet cuneiform still appeared from nowhere! Overnight it just was and that is for me, the absolute deal breaker as far as coincidences go. There's no such thing as coincidences only deliberate acts that influence and affect directly and indirectly!

Ancient cuneiform Sumerians writing system.

Cuneiform Writing

Credit: Jan van der Crabben (CC BY-NC-SA)/World History/UFO Sighting's Footage/Ufosfootage/Canva.

I've found a perfect video that explains why it's important to research for your answers to questions about Extraterrestrial entities and ancient technology. Take the ancient Mayan people with their depiction of a spaceship on a tomb lid. The carving is there, it's ancient yet it depicts a working spaceship or "UFO". It could only be a literal translation because of the petroglyph system. Depiction of what was there, as there is no way that it's a lie or misleading information. They carved what they saw, their calendar, and their knowledge of the stars right down to war, religion, and even sports.

Here are a couple of fantastic videos with the first directly below showing actual real space artefacts X2 to be precise and that's been proven to have come from outer space that was found in King Tut's tomb. A gift from Extraterrestrial entities or created from a meteorite. The jury is still out on that one.

The second video is about Extraterrestrial entities hidden in plain sight on Earth, please enjoy:

King Tut's tomb had numerous ancient artefacts inside of it, two of them came from out of space. Architects found the dagger and Tutankhamun's breastplate inside King Tut's tomb to be remnants of an asteroid that hit Ancient Egypt. Check out Egypt's Unexplained Files to see how Egyptian pharaohs were mummified and preserved for thousands of years.

Here's the second video about Aliens hiding in plain sight here on Earth:

If you know anyone who would want to see this post I'd appreciate it if you could share it with them, thank you. I'd like it if you could share your thoughts on this post and tell us what you think about the Extraterrestrial species possibly already living here on Earth but hidden in plain sight, cheers.

Did you know?

Having this one fixed point in the sky is the foundation of all celestial navigation.

Credit: NASA/Medium Alexander Rose/UFO Sighting's Footage/Canva.

Long exposure of star trails depicting how all the stars appear to revolve around the earth’s celestial axis, which is currently pointed close to our current North Star - Polaris. Note that when I say that the stars of the night sky appear to rotate around Polaris, it is because this apparent rotation is only due to our vantage point on a rotating planet.

(Image courtesy of NASA)

Presently, this centre point lies very close to the conveniently bright star Polaris. The reason we have historically paid so much attention to this celestial centre, or North Star, is because it is the star that stays put all through the course of the night. Having this one fixed point in the sky is the foundation of all celestial navigation. - Medium

There are always two sides to every story and if Aliens have visited Earth would we find it in ancient historical records?

A fixed celestial point of view from Earth Northern Star.

Credit: NASA/Medium Alexander Rose/UFO Sighting's Footage/Canva.

The earth sits at roughly a 23-degree tilt. Axial precession is that tilt slowly wobbling around in a circle, changing what we perceive as the celestial pole or North Star. (Image from Wikipedia entry on Axial Precession.)

But that point near Polaris, which we call the North Star, is slowly moving and tracing a circle through the night sky. While Polaris is our North Star. - Medium

Please could you help share this post with anyone else who has an interest in anomalies and ancient history strange anomalies, cheers. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and opinions also, thanks.{alertInfo}

Credit: Zohar Stargate Ancient Discoveries YouTube Channel, History YouTube Channel, Medium Alexander Rose/Unveiled YouTube Channel/Channel 5 YouTube Channel/World History/UFO Sighting's Footage/Ufosfootage/Canva.

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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
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