Cigar Shaped UFO Over New York UFO Orbs Following it

You can't go one day without an epic UFO sighting happening somewhere in the world and with it being filmed and reported, surely this is solid UFO evidence.


I think that this has the potential to be real, to be genuine and for this to be an actual real UFO in the literal meaning! Extraterrestrial entities exist, we're just caught up on what car they drive.

Epic UFO incidents with 2 UFO Orbs following it.

Credit: BP Tech Fix YouTube video/Latest UFO Sightings/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

Every day I'm discovering new and really exciting UFO sightings. Researching new and old UFO events never gets dull believe me. Even though they can be a year old or maybe even 2 years old, it does not matter because there's a massive abundance out there. I'm lucky enough to be able to find some epic UFO incidents and write about them.

I love my hobby, I thoroughly enjoy trying to work out what is real and what is probably not.

Lee Lewis UFO Sightings Footage. 

Take this amazing-looking CCigar-shaped UFO with these couple of UFOs in the shape of spheres or Orbs. They move in deliberately towards each other with care, these UFOs collectively do not bump into each other which indicates to me that they are intelligent enough to be able to follow each other at close range and without crashing. I'll admit that the thought that these were constantly communicating with one another did cross my mind.

The best looking Cigar shape UFO.

Credit: BP Tech Fix YouTube video/Latest UFO Sightings/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

The video itself was filmed over Clayville in New York in 2020. It was uploaded to YouTube by BP Tech Fix and there's a bit of an eyewitness report but it just says this:

Here's the 2 UFO Orbs following the Cigar UFO in Clayville in New York.

Credit: BP Tech Fix YouTube video/Latest UFO Sightings/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.

Witness report: A low humming sound can be heard in the audio with certain speakers. Also, the baby said Uh oh before the ufo flew away.

Here's the extraordinary YouTube video which I'd like you to check out. Remember though guy that even these people who have uploaded it to their YouTube channel have cautioned us all that there's a 50/50 chance of being a real video that could also be CGI, but we already know that as anything possible in this day and age, right?

The software's incredible when it's used correctly

Please share your thoughts and ideas on this awesome video, cheers for taking the time out to read this and hopefully share this post, let's get some answers to it. If you live in Clayville New York please share what you think about this as well, cheers.{alertInfo}

Credit: BP Tech Fix YouTube video/Latest UFO Sightings/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO News/Canva.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. looks like a portal and they get through it and it disappears

  2. All the fakers making it hard to solve the puzzle.

  3. I just find it interesting that the 'evidence' for UFO's has increased in porportion to the availability of video editing software.

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