Train Wheels Discovered on Mars

Mars may have had a large ancient civilisation with its inhabitants capable of leaving the world they called home and perhaps it was so long ago everything has turned back to dust except for some objects.

Have you seen the hundreds if not thousands of Alien artefacts found in NASA’s photographic evidence taken by the Mars Rover? There is a YouTube video about this by Paranormal Crucible if you want to check it out it's here.

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If you think nature has a design for a wheel axle then it must have a design for the train as well.

100 percent real train axle discovered on Mars in NASA’s own archival evidence.

Credit: NASA/UFO Sightings Footage/Paranormal Crucible/UFO Sightings Daily/Canva.

No wonder NASA wanted to go to Mars for all the free stuff, the swap meet of space where you take an object but leave an object of the same value. Except it's clearly not working.

No wonder NASA keeps sending upgraded Rovers to Mars and now a helicopter which is strange because we have the ultimate drone in the orbit of Mars looking down at the surface so why have a helicopter seems like a waste of resources to me?

Two-Wheel Axle Discovered on Mars

Here's the NASA photo link

I'm asking this simple and specific question:

Was our evolution from a caveman to the wheel, to the cultivation of wheat and travel etc to today, unique to us or is it set in stone for the wheel to be invented by all species throughout the universe?

Because I'm seeing evidence of the same stuff we have here on Earth. That's common sense, right or is it pareidolia?{alertSuccess}

I reason that all beings need food right? So farming and cultivation must be inevitable to sustain a large population. Is evolution like ours inevitable for every living, intelligent Alien species?

Because if so then no matter what, we will see pretty much the same artefacts on the planet once inhabited. So, what we're seeing here could be replicated on many different planets throughout the universe where you will find the Goldilocks habitable zone.

I mean, the invention of the wheel was absolutely without a doubt always on the cards. Intelligent beings like to travel so trains, planes and automobiles are one way or the other going to be invented but not necessarily a Ford or a Boeing or a White Star Liner but more than likely a different configuration albeit each has wheels because gravity is universal and the "by far the easiest way to overcome gravity and friction is to attach wheels" especially for heavy objects that need transporting.

In other words, it's no wonder we're seeing ancient train wheels on Mars because it's widely accepted that ancient Mars was alive with life at one point in the ancient past. Train wheels are big, heavy and built to last and no matter which Alien species are making them, Iron is probably going to be used as early man didn't have access to exotic materials so why would others have access to exotic materials early on in their evolution? Especially seeing as though Mars is red because of the massive amount of iron in the atmosphere and the ground.

It's even called "The Red Planet" because of the iron content everywhere.

Lee Lewis UFO Sightings Footage.

You see, rounded off, just saying there was once life on Mars doesn't do it justice and it can sound bizarre but believe me, there's a ton of logic gone into the thinking, the opinions and the ideas coming from the research into Mars' ancient past. And, logically speaking it's all based on NASA’s research and their own photographic/video evidence such as this train axle from Mars' past.

NASA train wheels discovered in the photos taken by the Mars Rover.

But, did you also know that there's 100 per cent proof that is constantly being found in the "ruins" of ancient Mars which I kid you not, once had an intelligent life force that inhabited the whole planet? No, you don't believe me... Take a careful look at this little blighter then!

Train wheels discovered by Paranormal Crucible on Mars.

Photo source.

Credit: NASA/UFO Sightings Footage/Paranormal Crucible/UFO Sightings Daily/Canva.

Paranormal Crucible on YouTube (video at bottom of page) States in the video description:

A remarkable image photographed by Mars Curiosity Rover appears to show a wheel and axel on the surface of the red planet. As we zoom in, we can see two circular objects in parallel, very similar in design to a wheel and axel. The object looks out of place in the Martian landscape and is recognizable among the rocks.

As you can see with these filtered images, the object is not natural and instantly stands out as artificial. Could this be final proof of past life on the red planet. or can the anomaly be explained away, as only tricks of light and shadow?

Here is the evidence that shows life once existed before on Mars.

Credit: NASA/UFO Sightings Footage/Paranormal Crucible/UFO Sightings Daily/Canva.

Michio Kaku has caught the imagination of the whole world by popularising the types of civilisations (thought up by a whacky scientist) according to the Kardashev scale that is more than likely to be out there.

So, without further ado I'm going to delve right on into the Michio Kaku (what an all-awesome guy he is) type of civilisation that I believe was living on Mars:

I'll start with a quote from Michio Kaku himself:

Type I civilization would be that of Buck Rogers or Flash Gordon, where an entire planet's energy resources have been developed. They can control all planetary sources of energy, so they might be able to control or modify the weather at will, harness the power of a hurricane, or have cities on the oceans.

The below image is connected to the Wikipedia link to the Kardashev Scale.

Energy consumption of three types of civilizations as defined and thought up by Kardashev.

A planetary or a Type I civilization is capable of consuming all of the incoming energy from its neighbouring star, or about 1017 watts for Earth. Credit Wikipedia.

He is proposing that an Alien civilisation could be out there, actually - is more than likely out there and we might be being watched by them (albeit in a roundabout way and as I've interpreted it). And there's also a likelihood that we wouldn't even be able to tell or probably even understand what it is they're doing here and what type of information they're gathering.

A type 1 civilisation has mastered the elements, technology, mastered it's space and all the other things that are needed to be a type 1 civilisation like having evolved to the point where they cannot go any further without actually having to go backwards - just might be on the fringes of the atmosphere in a spaceship that can't be seen. Take this image from the ISS showing a UFO a mile long on the fringe of our atmosphere.

Mile long UFO Filmed by the ISS cameras in Earths atmosphere.

Credit: NASA ISS/UFO Sightings Footage/UFO Sightings Daily/Canva.

NASA Answers And Studies

NASA’s always going to be difficult to get any kind of satisfying answers because of the implications of what they say. They've had studies done into what would happen if they announced they were in contact with Extraterrestrial entities. They aren't going to take any chances when it comes to the disclosure of Aliens because they have a good idea that humans will freak out and revert bnto a Neanderthal and smash up their own homes.

It sounds stupid but there you go, Aliens times disclosure = mayhem. It's ludicrous and you know it. People wouldn't smash up their own homes because Extraterrestrial life exists.

Implications of Extraterrestrial Life in Space

I can't write it with a straight face because I honestly think that people aren't going to riot just because we have neighbours in space, lol. But apparently, we can't handle the truth so we're going to get disclosure in tiny amounts of data like 3 UAP videos (Mexico UAP also). The first data bite was to rename it from UFO to UAP.

It's disclosure so all we can do is accept it. But if you're like me, make up your mind. Read, write, talk and get people's opinions on what makes you believe it.

The UFO reservoir is overflowing with unbelievable, bizarre and downright interesting stories. Rather than rely on the media telling you what you should believe in, again I suggest you read, write and talk.

My own beliefs are based on the many different ways that NASA has shown us all the evidence bar the confirmation! But that's okay because in my own opinion, looking towards the very people that created these conspiracies in the first place like NASA - is insane!

Why would I want an answer or disclosure from the very people who have been covering up the existence of Alien life here on Earth? Seriously, that's all messed up. I haven't been against it though and I think it will help a lot of people make up their minds but as far as them being the "be all and end all", well that's just upside down and inside out.

Believing in Extraterrestrial Life

I have eyes, I have a brain, I have reason and I have no intentions whatsoever of being played by the folks at NASA. Other than wanting to know more about life in the Universe and who has been in contact with them and wanting to know what they look like and what or who they pray to (if at all) I'd love to hear them speak if anything.

I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't interested in the meaning of life!
Lee Lewis UFO Sightings Footage.

What this Mars train wheels video signifies is that the possibilities of a 50/50 Alien life scenario go higher. That there is or "was" life on Mars is looking more likely than ever before and undeniable proof that Aliens reigned over Mars and who knows where else - I have to say that I honestly like those odds. I have more than a one in two chance of being right in my beliefs because of this amazing anomaly.

Unlike a story or a plausible-sounding answer, you just can't beat tangible evidence.

The kind of real evidence that can be analysed or have research carried out on it to determine any number of answers from "Where did these train wheels originally come from and what are they made of?" What's their age and the biggest answer of all could tell us who or what made them!


What natural process do you know of that forms train axle-looking rocks or what other "anything" do you think can create this exact-looking anomaly other than the intelligent hand of human beings? Martians, maybe?

Credit: All About Mars NASA.

Credit: Daily Star.


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Lee Lewis UFO Researcher
UFO Sightings Footage

  1. Keep Reaching, maybe someday you will actually grab something that is real.

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